Seniors Community Connector

The Seniors Community Connector service employs the ‘social prescribing’ approach to offer non-medical support that assists older adults to identify and achieve personal health and wellness goals. 

Seniors Community ConnectorSocial prescribing is a key component of Universal Personalized Care. It is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.

The Community Connector supports seniors to achieve wellness in their lives by bridging the gaps in whatever barriers, challenges or deficits they may face with an emphasis on social connection. Social isolation is recognized as a top contributor to the decline of seniors, particularly those living alone. Other aspects of life that may require supports include financial management, mental health and addictions management and nutrition.

The Community Connector works with individuals on highly individualized planning to connect them with resources and supports to aid an action plan and providing opportunities for group activities, social meals and enhanced housekeeping which includes a social visit component. Some connections are with other Island Community Services programs such as Better At Home or Food Programs, some connections are with other local services and programs, and in some cases the connections may be with regional resources elsewhere in southern Vancouver Island. 

The Community Connector helps to assess wellness needs, and matches with appropriate programs and services with regular check-ins to ensure participants are on track.  

The Community Connector is also a resource for other local seniors services, and combines efforts with the longstanding Salt Spring Seniors Wellness program at Island Community Services to provide an up to date Seniors Directory and regular opportunities for service providers to meet and network.      

Eligibility for the program includes:

  • 65+ Years Old
  • Residing on Salt Spring Island
  • Experiencing, or at risk of: 
    • frailty
    • social isolation and/or loneliness
    • barriers to access community-based resources

Referrals can be made by self, family, health care providers, friends or community members.

The Salt Spring Seniors Community Connector is part of a network of similar positions in each local health area in the province, and is funded by the Ministry of Health through United Way BC.   

For more information or to make a referral contact Seniors Community Connector at Island Community Services.

120 Park Drive at Family Place
Bottom Floor

Drop-in Wednesdays 10 am – 12 pm

Contact Nikky Peers at or (250) 221-9719