A concern or complaint can be made by contacting a staff person, a manager, or the Executive Director.
Our complaints policy is available here.
Community Living BC funded programs can also refer to CLBC Complaints Resolution Policy.
The Complaint and Suggestion Form is available here as an online form for submission, or here as a fillable online pdf that can be emailed, or printed and delivered to the address below. It is also available from program staff and at reception. Completed forms can be emailed as an attachment to the Executive Director, the Board of Directors, or another management contact.
All concerns and complaints will be kept as confidential as the situation allows. Making a complaint will not result in retaliation or the creation of barriers to service. Individuals may use the support of an advocate at any stage of the complaint process.
Typically a complaint will be responded to within 10 days. You have the right to appeal the decision made about a complaint within a reasonable time of receiving a response.
Also, SSICS welcomes your input and feedback on any of our services and programs. We regularly distribute stakeholder/community, consumer, and staff surveys and would appreciate your help filling out the below surveys and return to us at:
268 Fulford-Ganges Road
Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2K6
Community Appraisal & Feedback
Satisfaction Survey for Persons Served