Family Development

Family Development Services are provided on an outreach basis to families where children are determined to be in an unhealthy or risky home environment.  These children may be in need of protective services or be at risk of removal from the home unless significant intervention and change occur. The service focuses on reducing risks to the children and assisting in the development or restoration of a safe and healthy home environment.

Family Development Services include prevention, early intervention, assessment, and other support activities for children and families experiencing stress, parenting challenges, or early signs of abuse, neglect, or other risks to child well-being. Presenting issues are related to family relationships, anxiety and mental health and parental separation and divorce. The service is closely coordinated with Family Place, Ministry of Children and Family Development Social Workers and other community partners.

The service is for families who live on the Southern Gulf Islands (Salt Spring, Galiano, Mayne, Saturna and Pender Islands)  with children aged 0-18 years.

Access to Service

Access to this service is via referral from the Child Protection social worker responsible for the Salt Spring Island and the Outer Gulf Islands or self-referral.