The concept for this group came from a workshop “Writing Alone Together”. We come together in a group and journal independently on a common theme or prompt and then share our writing with the group if you choose to. Each person has the opportunity to be alone/together with their thoughts. This concept of journal writing […]
Seniors 60+ Christmas Lunch
Come Along to our Seniors 60+ Christmas Lunch Thursday December 12th 11:30AM – 1:30 PM Join us in the Croftonbrook community kitchen for a special lunch for seniors aged 60+ Hosted by Nikky Peers, Seniors Community Connector from Island Community Services For more information email
Teen Christmas Craft Night
Create your own holiday treasures December 10th and 18th, 4:30 – 6:00 PM The Core Youth Centre Celebrate the season with creativity, tasty treats and festive cheer
Popcorn Movie Night at The Core
Christmas Movie at the Core Youth Centre elf Thursday December 12th 5 P.M.