Homelessness Prevention Program

We have been successsful in achieving an agreement with BC Housing to let us partially in the door to their homelessness programming.

SSICS has lobbied over the years to be included in the Homelessness Outreach program which provides over 60 BC communities with Homelessness Outreach Workers. This program was enhanced this year with the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) which provides a rent supplement amount to each community as well as the worker.

While we not made headway in securing funding for an outreach worker, we did reach an agreement for HPP funds. We will receive $ 27,000 in HPP funds annually to provide rent supplements to hard-to-house people in certain categories (details are available on the BC Housing website). This is a standard component of a Housing First strategy and fits well with the current direction SSICS is taken with our homelessness services.