Harvest – SSICS Food Security Programs

Salish Eagle Crew Supporting the Food Bank

The Salt Spring Island Community Services run Food Bank received $515 that the staff on the Long Harbour – Tsawassen ferry collected by doing Christmas baking and selling it to each other. They also collected 117 pounds of non-perishable food. From left to right, BC Ferries’ Salish Eagle crew members Corina Walde, Jennifer Lewington, Annika […]

Ted Talks on Food Waste

Matching Funds Fundraiser

On Monday November 20, the Salt Spring Folk Club presents Barney Bentall and the Cariboo Express at the Fulford Hall and this concert is a fundraiser for the Salt Spring Food Bank. The past success of this popular event and the generous community cash donations and business sponsorships, have motivated the SSFC  to present this […]

Food Affects Everyone