Do a Mental Health Check-In Online with CMHA

Welcome to your Mental Health Check-In The Mental Health Check In designed to help youth and adults take a look at their mental health and wellness in light of covid-19. The check-in on is a brief tool to get you to quickly reflect on a few areas of your mental, physical and social well-being. In […]

Experiencing stress, anxiety and uncertainity during the pandemic? Here to help: BCPA COVID-19 Psychological First Aid Service

The BCPA COVID-19 Psychological First Aid Service is designed to help any BC resident aged 19+ who is experiencing stress, anxiety, or uncertainty due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Please read more about the service by clicking the link below, and note this is not the same as the crisis line. BCPA COVID-19 Psychological First […]

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid As you think about self-care keep in mind that if you are feeling more stress when trying to achieve or do and activity that is meant for self-care then it might not actually be supporting self-care.  At a time when we are facing something completely new to us and the impact […]

Self-compassion: video series

“When we see a friend (or even a stranger) in crisis or pain, most of us are pretty good at extending our compassion. But when we’re having a hard time in our own lives, too often we neglect to give that same kindness to ourselves. What are we missing in these moments? Self-compassion. This often-overlooked skill […]