Ayurveda Workshops for Seniors

ayurveda poster 2016Ayurveda is translated as “the Science of Life”. It arose out of Ancient India, and is in the same body of wisdom as Yoga practices. Ayurveda offers a fascinating approach to health and wellbeing, where the human being is seen as part of nature.

It offers practical lifestyle approaches that helps us to balance the natural elements within ourselves, thus allowing us to prevent disease and achieve greater vitality and longevity. This set of 3 workshops will focus on how Ayurveda can be applied to the older adult. It will offer practices to improve digestion, sleep, pain and arthritis, and to optimize energy and wellbeing.

These workshops are also appropriate for caregivers and all those who wish to prevent disease and age with grace and vitality.

The Facilitator, Melanie McQuirter, studied Ayurveda through New World Ayurveda under a faculty trained both in Ayurveda and Western Medicine. She has completed over 1100 hours of NAMA and APPNA recognized courses. As an Ayurvedic Practitioner she helps people to look at all aspects of their life to bring greater balance and well-being. She also has worked as a Registered Nurse in the field of Geriatrics for 7 years.